EMS By the Numbers: Impact of COVID-19

The NEMSIS TAC has prepared an updated PDF of the visualizations for the EMS By the Numbers: Impact of COVID-19 on EMS presentation.

Download the December 13, 2023 update here: https://test.nemsis.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/NEMSIS-TAC-Update-to-COVID_19-Trends-Dec-13-2023.pdf

This is current information regarding temporal variations in the type and characteristics of EMS activations occurring in the U.S. during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition to Influenza-Like Illness (ILI), it also includes trends in EMS response to Cardiac Arrest, Scene Death, Injury, Vehicle Crashes, and Opioid-Related Activations.

You can also access the July 7, 2020 presentation in which N. Clay Mann described the impact to EMS response characteristics using data from the National EMS Data Repository: EMS By the Numbers: Impact of COVID-19