To enhance the public health benefit of these studies, public use data sets will be made available to qualified researchers.
NEMIS public use data sets are generally made available after study completion in accordance with NEMSIS policy. NEMSIS data sets will be provided only to investigators who agree to adhere to the signed research data use agreement.
Execution of a research data use agreement will require approval by investigators’ relevant Institutional Review Boards (IRB) or demonstration of exemption from the need for IRB approval by institutional policy. Data set creation and distribution will be performed by the data coordinating center.
De-identified data set derived from completed NEMSIS research protocols.
The data coordinating center will provide the data set, electronic copies of the data worksheets, the final study protocol and a data dictionary. No further support will be provided by the data coordinating center, network investigators, or HRSA, to the recipient investigator.
Investigators will request the use of a specific dataset by choosing the link below, reading and agreeing to the Research Data Use Agreement and providing contact information.
The dataset will be available for download after completion of the aforementioned items.