Version 3 State Dataset Builder
EMS agencies and their software vendors must have certain information about their state’s requirements in order to accurately configure their patient care reporting software to meet state requirements. The NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center has created a StateDataSet XML Schema (XSD) to provide a consistent format in which to share NEMSIS V3 state-specific information
NEMSIS Version 3 State Dataset Builder Enable state data managers to generate State Data Set files – State Data Manager Information. Please view in Firefox or Google Chrome.
Software Developer Information regarding the NEMSIS V3 State Dataset Builder
Vendors of state-level systems are encouraged to develop the ability to generate state-specific resources in the State Dataset format. Vendors of local-level systems are encouraged to develop the ability to process State Dataset information in the configuration of their systems. State Dataset files are published in the NEMSIS 3 state repositories.
NEMSIS Version Data Dictionary (StateDataSet)