EMS Agency Reports

EMS Agency Service Area Builder

This online tool will help EMS Agencies identify the Zip Codes, County Codes, and Census Tract Codes in each State that are included in their Service Area.

dAgency.05 – EMS Agency Service Area States
dAgency.06 – EMS Agency Service Area County(ies)
dAgency.07 – EMS Agency Census Tracts
dAgency.08 – EMS Agency Service Area ZIP CodesNEMSIS (Version 3) EMS Agency Service Area Builder – Training Video

Login to the EMS Service Area Builder


National Reports

The reports on this page are publicly available and were developed using the national subset of data. One intent of these reports, and their detailed specification, is for EMS software companies to build local reports based on the national reports. Once created, this will allow EMS agencies to pull the same information available at the national level to allow for comparison and benchmarking.

Data presented within these dashboards have been staged to facilitate interactive analytics with rapid refresh.  Thus, dashboard results support high-level data inquiries and trending.  In-depth analyses of NEMSIS data for research purposes or hypothesis testing should rely on case-level data made available through the NEMSIS TAC (see: https://test.nemsis.org/using-ems-data/request-research-data/).

Performance Measures Dashboard

V3 Public Data Quality Dashboard

Description of EMS Data Use