2021 Public-Release Dataset Now Available

The National Emergency Medical Services Information System Technical Assistance Center (NEMSIS TAC) today announced the availability of the 2021 Public-Release Research Dataset, the largest publicly available dataset of emergency medical service activations in the United States.

The dataset includes 48,982,990 EMS activations submitted by 13,949 EMS agencies servicing 53 states and territories. Those interested in requesting a copy of the 2021 Public-Release Research Dataset can contact the NEMSIS TAC and fill out a request form at this website https://test.nemsis.org/using-ems-data/request-research-data.

Read the press release here:

Free CE Credit Course by the NEMSIS TAC and Prodigy EMS

The NEMSIS TAC partnered with Prodigy EMS to bring you an all-new course on ePCR documentation. This training provides an overview of NEMSIS and the recent changes implemented for the v3.5 standard. Our expert panel will also discuss the important role that the EMS patient care report plays, as well as best documentation practices. Get CE credit and advance your data collection efforts to meet the national standard in prehospital patient care data collection.

Access the course from here: https://prodigyems.com/

Timely Submission Letter from OEMS

As discussed during v3 Implementation Calls and in NASEMSO Director and Data Managers meetings, the NEMSIS TAC is providing a letter from Dr. Jon Krohmer, Director of NHTSA’s Office of EMS, regarding timely data submissions.

The value of and demand for EMS data has moved beyond just research and well into “public health surveillance, responsive resource allocation, the evaluation of innovative payment models, and the creation of novel evidence-based EMS delivery systems.” This can only be accomplished if EMS patient care reports are completed and submitted in a timely manner.

Many states/territories already require data submission within 24 hours of closing the call. For those who aren’t there yet, please share this request with your state/territory offices of EMS, EMS agencies, software developers, and legislators that impact rules and implementation of submission requirements.

Please reach out to the NEMSIS TAC with any questions or concerns.

2020 Public-Release Dataset Now Available

The National Emergency Medical Services Information System Technical Assistance Center (NEMSIS TAC) today announced the availability of the 2020 Public-Release Research Dataset, the largest publicly available dataset of emergency medical service activations in the United States.

The dataset includes 43,488,767 EMS activations submitted by 12,319 EMS agencies servicing 50 states and territories. Those interested in requesting a copy of the 2020 Public-Release Research Dataset can contact the NEMSIS TAC and fill out a request form at this website https://test.nemsis.org/using-ems-data/request-research-data.

Read the press release here:

Download the flyer here:

2021 NEMSIS Annual Meeting and Boot Camp

Annual Meeting Recordings:

Day 1, August 3, 2021

Day 2, August 4, 2021

Day 3, August 5, 2021

2021 Boot Camp Materials

The links below are provided for 2021 NEMSIS Boot Camp participants to download and use during the online meeting.

The following files are editable PDFs with the presenter’s PowerPoint slides and a space for taking notes:

NEMSIS Stakeholders,

Virtual BootCamp for State Data Managers Transitioning to v3.5
July 13th, 2021
Register here: https://2021nemsis-boot-camp.eventbrite.com

2021 NEMSIS v3 Implementation Meeting
August 3rd – 5th, 2021
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-nemsis-v3-annual-implementation-meeting-registration-149759515743

Download the dates announcement flyer here:

Download the Boot Camp flyer here:


Download the Annual Meeting Flyer here:

When registration links, a list of topics, and times for the events become available, they will be posted here.

ET3 Model Data Submission Guide

The ET3 Model requires that Participants regularly submit data in addition to the Medicare claims information used as part of billing for ET3 Model interventions. NEMSIS standard electronic Patient Care Report (ePCR) data are an important and large component of ET3 Model data submissions.

NEMSIS standard ePCR data are a new quantitative data source for the ET3 Model and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) at the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). However, the data source is very familiar to participating EMS ambulance suppliers and providers, and their supporting software vendors.

Thus, the main goal of this guide is to familiarize Participants and their supporting vendors with the submission of NEMSIS standard ePCR data into ET3 Model systems and confirmation that the ET3 Model has correctly received that data.

Download the ET3 Model Data Submission Guide from this link: https://test.nemsis.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ET3-Data-Submission-Guide_01.06.2021.pdf

Access more ET3 resources from this page: https://test.nemsis.org/using-ems-data/cms-et3-project/

Immunization and Vaccination National Custom Data Elements Document Release

Click Here to view a guidance document detailing these National Custom Elements and providing a description of their intended use.

The NEMSIS TAC has worked with EMS stakeholders to identify needed National Custom Elements to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. These custom elements are made available to EMS agencies and States in an effort to standardize immunization and vaccination documentation.

The National Custom Elements may be found in the lower right-hand corner of the NEMSIS V3 Custom Element Library.


The decision to revise the National EMS Data Standard is initiated by the need to update the standard to accurately reflect changes in EMS service and care. Abundant consideration is given to the consequences a revision has on clinicians, EMS agencies, States, Territories, and EMS Software Vendors.

Significant collaboration among many different stakeholder groups is required to warrant the need for a revision, and then to ensure the practicality and usefulness of the proposed changes. The process, on average, is a four-year cycle of collaboration and balloting potential revisions including proposal collection, review, posting, and implementation of a new data standard.

Click here to find out more about the process of developing a revision to the NEMSIS Data Standard. https://test.nemsis.org/v3-5-0-revision/

Information includes how decisions are made including the extensive collaboration that take place to fine-tune the data standard for completeness, efficiency, and ease of use for the field clinicians.

To view a timeline of the versioning process, click here: https://test.nemsis.org/v3-5-0-revision/when-will-changes-take-place/

National Infectious Disease Elements/Values

In response to the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic, the NEMSIS TAC was directed to develop National Custom Elements and Values that would aid in the identification of potential COVID-19 infections and improve the characterization of the EMS response to potential infections.
A FAQ describing these Elements and Values can be found here: National Infectious Disease Elements/Values (updated 02/01/2021)